Let’s Talk Science

We are made of 37.2 trillion cells

Millions of cells divide every second in our body

Cell aging starts as early as in our 20’s or 30’s.

This is called cellular senescence

That's when our telomeres start to shorten. Telomeres are the protective caps at the end of our chromosomes.

And DNA damage from oxidative stress, toxins, UV radiation starts happening

As well as Mitochondrial Dysfunction: the energy producing parts of our cells are becoming less efficient

Changes in the proteins lead to decreased functionality of our cells

And the cumulation of all of these effects trigger signs of aging which we then experience throughout our body

the good

is in your
own hands.

It starts with a healthy diet, regular exercise, protection from sun exposure, enough sleep, intermittent fasting, managing your stress levels and supplementing your food intake

L’évive Labs scientists have designed a unique blend of supplements that help you take full control of the way you age

And our DNA & Epigenetics lab analysis empowers you to understand...

...Your biomarkers of aging in a longevity dashboard

...Your biological age

...Your pace of aging

...The changes you can do to reverse your age

Reverse your age